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Summerschool 2019 of the Costa Rica Center: "Facing the Future: Migration and Intercultural Dialogue in a Sustainable Society"
"Facing the Future: Migration and Intercultural Dialogue in a Sustainable Society."
From 15 July to 30 July 2019, the second summer school of the Costa Rica Centre took place under the motto "Facing the Future".
The goal of the summer school is to better understand the realities and background of migration movements and the challenges of integrative and cohesive societies in Germany/Europe and Costa Rica/Central America. One goal is to examine the many different areas in which intercultural dialogue can significantly promote and support the integration of cultures that meet. This applies not only to the migrant community, but also to the host society. We want to discuss, among other things, what can contribute from the individual scientific disciplines and what already contributes to strengthening social cohesion and protecting human rights from both a Central American and a German perspective.
Discussing migration means being willing to change
This year's summer school of the Costa Rica Centre dealt with migration and intercultural dialogue.
15 students from four different countries dedicated two and a half weeks to this topic. The main focus was on current migration movements, with a focus on Germany/Europe and Costa Rica/Central America. The aim was to explore the possibilities of intercultural dialogue and to use them for the development and empowerment of sustainable and cohesive societies.
Thirteen lecturers from the University of Osnabrück, the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) and the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA) from various disciplines made a major contribution to this interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary summer school. Among others, the realities and backgrounds of migratory movements were examined from the perspectives of psychology, social sciences, theology and educational sciences, and strategies and possibilities for scientific research were presented and elaborated.
The summer school "Facing the Future: Migration and Intercultural Dialogue in a Sustainable Society" was completed by workshops, intercultural trainings, symposia as well as academic excursions and discussions.
The aim of this summer school was and is not only to make a further contribution to academic and scientific research on migratory movements and intercultural dialogue, but also to present a truly interdisciplinary and intercultural enrichment in the personal and professional lives of the participants.
The open discussion, critical examination and analysis of the backgrounds and realities of migratory movements was the key to exchanging knowledge and finding solutions for the challenges of our society.
The summer school was supported by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA) and the Sievert Foundation for Science and Culture.
Ziel dieser Sommerschule war und ist es nicht nur einen weiteren Beitrag zur akademischen und wissenschaftlichen Erforschung von Migrationsbewegungen und des interkulturellen Dialogs zu leisten, sondern vielmehr eine wahrhaft interdisziplinäre und interkulturelle Bereicherung im persönlichen sowie professionellen Leben der Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen darzustellen.
Hierbei war die offene Diskussion, kritische Auseinandersetzung und Analyse von Hintergründen und Realitäten von Migrationsbewegungen Dreh- und Angelpunkt um Wissen auszutauschen und Lösungen für die Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft finden zu können.
Die Sommerschule wurde vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts (AA) und der Sievert Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Kultur gefördert.
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From the perspective of the Universidad de Costa Rica
As the director of the Universidad de Costa Rica, Henning Jensen, explained in an interview about the summer school, empowering cultural and academic exchanges is one way of responding to the pressures that are far from finding solutions to migration crises, but rather reinforcing them.
Now to let the young students have their say and to involve them in this critical discussion and confrontation with the issue is part of the measures that universities all over the world can promote in order to advance the processes of peacebuilding and dialogue.
From the perspective of the students of the Universidad de Costa Rica
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