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Funding through the Costa Rica Center
The International Office of the Osnabrück University (UOS) awards funding to promote the relationship between Costa Rica and the UOS. The University was able to set up this Costa Rica Center fund thanks to the generous financial support of the Sievert Foundation for Science and Culture. Funding is provided for the establishment and expansion of cooperation in research, teaching and administration as well as for social dialogue. Funding is distributed through three funding lines: "Travel", "Scholarships" and "Events and Projects" line.
Subject to the approval of funds by the Sievert Foundation for Science and Culture and until further notice, there are four application deadlines per year as follows:
January 20
April 20
June 20
September 20
In general, you can apply for funding on any deadline for activities which will be carried out until December 31 of the current year.
Funding line I: travel expenses
Eligible are trips to Costa Rica that serve to achieve the aforementioned goals. Travel expenses up to a maximum of 2,000 euros per sponsored person can be applied for.
Funding line II: scholarships
Eligible are stays at the UOS of persons from Costa Rican universities and research institutions that serve to achieve the aforementioned goals. A scholarship can be applied for which consists of a travel allowance as a lump sum. The maximum amount per person corresponds to the DAAD travel grants for foreign scholarship holders (max 1,750 euros as per Feb 2024).
Funding line III: events and projects
Eligible for funding are projects and events at UOS with a specification that clearly relates to Costa Rica and serves to achieve the aforementioned goals. Project and event costs up to a maximum of 10,000 euros can be applied for. This includes material costs, honorary activities up to a maximum of 1,000 euros per person, teaching assignments up to a maximum of 1,000 euros per person, funding for student or research assistants as well as scholarships for students or doctoral candidates from Costa Rican universities (scholarship consists of a travel allowance as a lump sum. The maximum amount per person corresponds to the DAAD travel allowances for foreign scholarship holders - max 1,750 euros as per Feb 2024). In case the teaching assignments extend over two budget years, the funding commitment is subject to the approval of funds by the Sievert Foundation for Science and Culture.
Selection criteria
- Target orientation
- Quality, feasibility and sustainability of the project
- Expected impact for the internationalization of the UOS
Researchers during their qualification phase as well as persons who have not yet received funding from the Costa Rica Center should be given special consideration.
The documents are to be submitted completely and on time as one PDF file by e-mail to Please arrange the documents in the same order as they are listed below. Applications must be submitted in German or English. In exceptional cases and only after prior consultation, applications in Spanish may also be considered.
The application documents differ depending on the funding line - please refer to application documents.
Still questions? Please send us an email to
Selection procedure
A selection committee will decide on the awarding and amount of the funding in a selection procedure taking into consideration the overall quality . There is no entitlement to the awarding of a grant. As a rule, a selection decision is available no earlier than four weeks after the application deadline.
By acceptance of the grant, the recipients commit to report on their experiences if this is desired or invited to by the Sievert Foundation for Science and Culture. Furthermore, the grantees are expected to participate in the public relations work of the Costa Rica Center.
Application documents
Funding line I - travel expenses:
Basic documents:
- Application form
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae
- Description of the project in Costa Rica including cost calculation
- Invitation letter or alternate proof of the intended stay, if available
Additional documents depending on the applicant's qualification:
- Scientists during their qualification period: master’s certificate or equivalent (plus PhD certificate for applicants during their postdoctorate qualification)
- Doctoral candidates: proof of immatriculation
- Student and research assistants; curriculum vitae, if available: bachelor or master certificate (otherwise the Transcript of Records), a document issued by the supervising person confirming your assistant contract for the travel period
Funding line II - scholarships:
- Application form
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae
- Description of the project at the UOS including cost calculationion
- Certificate(s) of university graduation(s)
- Written approval of the host or supervising person at the UOS (for stays of scientists by a scientist of the UOS, for stays of administrative staff by an employee of the administration of the UOS)
- Informal proof of employment or institutional affiliation from the home institution which also covers the period of stay at the UOS
Funding line III - events and projects
Basic documents:
- Application form
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae
- Description of the event or project at the UOS including a listing of the requested costs
- For events: draft program of the event
Additional documents depending on the applicant's qualification:
- Doctoral candidates: proof of immatriculation
- For honoraria or teaching assignments: curricula vitae of the persons for whom honoraria or teaching assignments are requested
- For scholarships of students or doctoral canditates of Cost Rican Universities: curriculum vitae of the student / doctoral canditate and certificate of university graduation if available
Funding line I: travel - terms and conditions
Eligible applicants are:
- scientific and non-scientific employees of the UOS in research, teaching and administration
- scientists during their qualification phase at the UOS who are not employed at the UOS (e.g. scholarship holders).
- travel of student and research assistants of the UOS can also be funded. An application from the supervisor is required in this case.
Applicants must be members or affiliates (employees, scholarship holders, etc.) of the UOS from the time of their application until the completion of the trip (exception: postdoctoral fellows at the UOS who are not employed by the UOS).
Funding line II: scholarships - terms and conditions
Eligible applicants are:
- scientific and non-scientific employees
- scientists during their qualification phase
Applicants must be members or affiliates of Costa Rican universities or research institutions (exception: post-doctoral fellows at the Costa Rican institutions mentioned above who are not employed by the institution) with which an institutional partnership with UOS exists or is anticipated at the time of application.
Application is possible with the accompanying endorsement of the hosting or supervising person at UOS only.
The scholarship will be paid out in one sum after arrival in Osnabrück. It is a non-repayable grant. The scholarship may neither be made dependent on a specific scientific or artistic counter-performance nor does it establish an employment relationship.
Funding line III: events and projects - terms and conditions
Eligible applicants are:
- scientific and non-scientific employees of the UOS in research, teaching and administration
- scientists during their qualification phase at the UOS who are not employed at the UOS (e.g. scholarship holders).
Applicants must be members or affiliates (employees, scholarship holders, etc.) of the UOS from the time of their application until the completion of the project or event (exception: post-doctoral researchers at the UOS who are not employed by the UOS).